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Equipamiento escenico Maquinaria escenica teatros Spain Chile Mexico Colombia Stage equipment - RETOM / Industrias Maquiecenic
Stage equipment
Compressed gases

Equipment for museums

Lighting and sound equipment environmental RETOM

Illumination can be presented in countless ways that condicionate the final result of the work we are going to watch. The choice of this feature may totally alterate the perception that a picture has. For that, Maquiescenic Industries chooses the light, measured, directioned, degraded, polarized... with the goal of a determined effect, depending on the environment where it is placed, even if it is a museum, a library, or a private space.

Light design

Illumination in a museum or historical building must be resolved so that there is a balance between the light, the object and the observer, so the visual process works properly. Light isn't necessary only to see works of art but to help to perceive the maximum possibilities of the contemplated work.

Professional ambient sound equipment

Lighting and sound equipment environmental RETOM

Museum's audio engineering and design, center of exposition or cultural center are matters of great importance, being able to create ambient sound audio systems appropriate for each room.


© Industrias Maquiescenic S.L. Ctra. Alcázar de San Juan, Km 0,6 Phone:(+34) 926 513 045 E-mail:

Legal warning 13700 - Tomelloso (Ciudad Real) SPAIN Fax:(+34) 926 515 750 info@retom.es

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